Purchasing the Four Old Geezers and a Valkyrie ebook
The best way to purchase the ebook is right here on my own website.
Currently, the price on Amazon is £0.99, but they rip around 35% authors off authors, which I don't like very much. Instead, I'd rather you bought using this Gumroad ebook download system. Click the image on the right and you should be offered the chance to buy one of three formats – epub for most ereaders, mobi for Kindles, or even pdf if you like reading on a computer – then off you go. My price here is £0.79, although there might be a little VAT in the heathen countries that charge a tax on e-reading. In the UK, the current price is £0.95, so it's still cheaper than on Amazon. If you have any problems at all, just get in touch and I'll sort you out. Don't be embarrassed if you do something daft and get it wrong – we all do it! |