Strip Chess

Suddenly she saw her chance. "Knight takes rook – check!" she announced.
As Dave removed his shirt, Judith realised she'd forgotten about his queen.
"Queen takes knight," he said quietly. As Judith made to undo her bra, he added, "I think your king might be next. That's checkmate, isn't it?"
Boy, did she regret that move.

Her child's little ball still lay there, just out of reach. He'd thrown it there by mistake, she'd gone to fetch it, fewer than twenty steps beyond the fence. Now all she could think of was the round metal disc she found herself on as a result.
Boy, did she regret that move.
The New Residence

Turned out that the roof leaked, there was dry rot throughout the entire building, rats infested the basement and – only days after they'd moved in – the garage collapsed on their car, writing it off.
To top it all, the house turned out to be haunted.
Boy, did she regret that move.