It took courage at first to stand in public places holding a sign that said, "Hit me." But no one saw him. Stealing Rolex watches also went unobserved.
Eventually the time came to try carrying a gun and firing it randomly. They noticed him then.
Gordon Lawrie |
Once it became clear that no one read his books, followed his blogs, and that his social media following was zero, Jake realised that, in the eyes of the world, he truly did not exist. At first he was despondent, then soon, as he passed unnoticed through crowds, he realised that invisibility brought great powers.
It took courage at first to stand in public places holding a sign that said, "Hit me." But no one saw him. Stealing Rolex watches also went unobserved. Eventually the time came to try carrying a gun and firing it randomly. They noticed him then. Comments are closed.
Flash FictionFlash fiction is very, very short fiction indeed - short stories of any sort of length from a Haiku to ten minutes' reading. Good for when you're in a hurry. This series is a selection of contributions to Friday Flash Fiction, where there's a limit of 100 words. I try to make all mine exactly 100 words. Collections